Friday, October 17, 2008

Nothing Exciting

Why do I feel like I need to post, but there is nothing worth saying? I feel like everyone is so creative with their thoughts. I surely do not compare. I could start in on one of my soap boxes, but that seems to change with the week. I have been working full time for almost a month now. Night shifts are hard, but seem to work well for the kids. Who needs sleep? Thanks to Marc and Amy for making that transition nice. I guess the nice thing is that I am home to get them off to school and home when they get home. But I seriously hate the afternoons. It usually goes, "Hey guys, How was your day?" Bailie and Brennan, "good." As they run to the pantry. Me, "anything happen at school?" "Nope." They are children of few words. Just want to eat! Then it is quickly on to practicing piano before going this place and that place. Believe me you don't even want to know what the conversations are like during piano practice. I am sure the Thomassens can tell you, as they are just across the street. I love to hear my kids playing the piano and I love helping them learn how to do it. I just keep telling myself they will thank me someday, I hope. We have been hearing so many good lessons lately on the role of the mother. I love hearing and talking about it, sometimes I question if I am fulfilling that role to the best of my ability. I think I need to appreciate it more and embrace it more. Enough rambling. I am sure you can tell it is 3 am and I am tired. Thanks to all you wonderful mothers who are examples to me. You make me want to be better!!!


kristi said...

my two bits (not worth even that really) let me quit piano after 9 years of pulling teeth and tears. i sincerely hated it! of course, mom warned i would regret quiting. i insisted otherwise - just one more thing she's been right about. so hang in there with the piano! sounds like a wonderfully exhausting schedule you keep...

Dell & Becky said...

I think you're an excellent mom, Michelle. I think we all have our feelings of inadequacy now and again but you should know your kids think the world of you and for good reason! I've really enjoyed VT with you, and am glad that we've become good friends. I always have fun with ya!

Alicia Leppert said...

I love that I'm not the only one who feels the need to blog when I have nothing to blog about. It's like my contact to the outside world--I just have to put it out there and hope someone cares! I don't know how you do it, but you are an awesome mother. Why aren't you sleeping at 3 am if you're home??!! Your kids will seriously thank you some day for making them learn. I had the same thing...took when I was a kid, hated practicing, didn't stick with it, and now it is a major regret of mine, I wish I could play SO BAD!!

Amy J. said...

Uhhhh, so when do you sleep!? I didn't see any gap in your day where you actually get some shut eye! Amazing woman.