Friday, July 18, 2008

Mackay Cousins

Top Row: Brennan 6 (Michelle) Rylee 3 (Marcie) Jossi 5 (Marcie)
Brianne 4 (Michelle) Cash 4 (Melissa)
Middle Row: Jaxon 2 (Michael) Madelyn 7 (Melissa) McCall 2 (Melissa)
McKenna 9 (Melissa) Dallas 2wks (Marc)
Bottom: Bailie 7 (Michelle)

So we did it again. All the cousins were here and we had to get a new picture for mom. The kids did so well. They all looked so good in their red white and blue. The girls all got new necklaces made thanks to Aunt Marcie. Have to admit that was kinda fun to do. A bit of an expensive hobby, but what isn't? We are enjoying our time together, although Melissa has been working lots and so have I, so I feel like we haven't even seen much of each other. Poor mom has seen enough of the kids destroying her house, I'm sure. I just have to say I am so thankful for both families I have in my life. My parents are good, honest, and the most giving people I know. They have truly taught me that no matter what families stick together. And my in-laws, I am so lucky to be thought of as their daughter. I feel so loved and respected by them and I hope they feel the same from me. I tell everyone, I can only hope to be as good to my children's spouses as they are to me. What great examples I have!!!


Rosie said...

You guys all have such cute kids!:)

It is nice to have such great in-laws and that they consider you their daughter, you are lucky!

meohmyers said...

I'm so glad Ally and Brennan are betrothed! :) Ally will have THE BEST in-laws!

You guys have such beautiful kids! It's always so fun to get all the cousins together!

Amy J. said...

What a bunch of adorable kids! I love pictures like that, and they look like they all cooperated!

MichelleB said...

Oh Kim, that makes me smile. I have about 16 years to prepare him to be worthy of her. We will start talking dowry in a couple years :)

Alicia Leppert said...

What a beautiful group of kids! Pictures with all the cousins always make me smile.
It was such a fun surprise seeing you last night. I've never seen you as Nurse Michelle, it was cool!

Fuller Family said...

They all look adorable. Your family has grown so much, I can't believe it. I am going to have to have Marcie make my girls some jewelery too! I am sad I won't see you all at the reunion. I am sure it will be fun. Hopefully I will be able to see you all soon.