Saturday, June 21, 2008

Picture Day

I am not going to do a slideshow, but hopefully these couple of pictures show up. We were sweating trying to get just one picture. Nine kids 7 and under was no easy task. I was shocked that we got such a good one. The baby is only 2 weeks old. These are all the great grand kids on Lance's side. So lucky that we live close enough to do this. And anyone that knows me knows that we will be doing this probably twice a year at least. I love all these kids so much!!! Thanks girls for doing this with me.

Also just a fun note, my three kids were so excited to see their picture up on the wall at picture people. That was from our last visit there. They did so good at that one I walked out with a pretty big hole in my pocket book.
So I should tell you all the kids names, but I am having a hard time remembering my own at this point so I am going to sleep and I will add names later.


Nikki Hansen said...

Michelle I am so excited you have a blog now!!! I am terrible at getting on, so at least I can keep in touch by doing this. Your family is so adorable - I can't wait to see them at the reunion.

Rosie said...

Hey Michelle- I'm glad you are posting! You have really cute kids:) And you will get the hang of this, trust me.

Have a great Saturday!

Shayla said...

Oh wow, those pics turned out so good. I have a hard time just getting my two to do good, but nine!? That's impressive.

Stevens Family said...

They turned out so cute!!